I learned a lot, but I'm exhausted
Jose Moran - Teacher and researcher of innovative educational projects This testimony summarizes my experience in this long period of confinement and that of many professors and managers with whom I have been talking for nearly two years. This long period of pandemic has exhausted me. It was all so unexpected, surreal, so long and tense, that I'm only now realizing and feeling, more clearly, all its effects. In the beginning came the shock of confinement, with the swarming of countless lives to exchange ideas, experiences and find outlets for school and life online. I discovered new platforms, I had to redesign classes with more videos, asynchronous and synchronous activities. Everything was too new and challenging to serve students with good digital resources and those with very poor access. I did my best to balance my professional life at home, with family routines and the anguish of being closed for a long time, with many uncertainties in terms of health, finances...